
Fitness in Twilight Years

First the blues of growing old and than plethora of health problems following the senility line…. Well there’s no denying the fact that as the age advances health problems are major backlash. But hold on! Researches exhibits that you can defeat and stay fight by keeping a check on certain disease that are ought to take on over you.

Arthritis- Arthritis is fast expanding disease curbing almost everyone after the age of 40. Lifestyle patterns and eating habits are considered as major causes of Arthritis. High heels, Sitting postures, regular high stairs etc may afflict you with Arthritis. Your knee joint comprise of coming in contact of three bones namely Femur, Tibia and Patella along with cartilage and synovial fluid which act as a lubricant as the movement happens between the three. Arthritis which means inflammation of joints is caused due to declining of this lubricant in your joints owing to which these three bones slides with each other as you bent or move causing unbearable pain and difficulty in bending and walking.

Treatment options vary depending on the type of arthritis and include physical and occupational therapy, lifestyle changes (including exercise and weight control), medications and dietary supplements (symptomatic or targeted at the disease process causing the arthritis). Joint Replacement Surgery (Arthroplasty) may be required in eroding forms of arthritis.

Lung Health- Majority of Lung problems takes a toll from incessant Smoking habits among men and women across the world. No matter how loud can a doctor vocalises the perils of smoking a youth doesn’t give a damn to it. Seemingly harmless in the youth years, a cigarette can affect you later as age advances. Researches reveal that out of every 100 lifelong smokers 14 are probable to die of lung cancer. Further it is also proven that smokers life get reduced by 3-5 years due to lung problems than an average person

Brain Health- Alzheimer disease is most likely to happen after the age of 65. Every one in eight person suffers from Alzheimer in US. Alzheimer is a degenerative and rather incurable disease which leads to shrinking of brain and can be identified with memory loss implying debility to remember most recently learned things and facts. Starting with slight memory loss it can lead to frustration, mood swings, aggression, apathy, language breakdown and ultimately long term memory loss. Though cause and progression of the disease is not yet well known but it is widely associated with plaques and tangles in the brain. Balanced Diet including fruit and vegetables, bread, wheat and other cereals, olive oil, fish, and red wine) and mind stimulating exercise like reading, playing board games, completing crossword puzzles, playing musical instruments, or regular social interaction may help in preventing the onset of Alzheimer disease. Cardiovascular problems like cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes can also affect the risk factor of the disease.

Heart Health

Cholesterol- Excess cholesterol in your blood level can pile up on your arteries leading to blockade in arteries which may result into heart attack or coronary heart disease problems. Cholesterol is a waxy substance required to build and maintain cell membranes. It is an essential component of all body cells. Not all cholesterol is bad but a high level of it is bad for you. There are two types of cholesterol bad cholesterol (LDL) counting 100 mg/dl and good cholesterol (HDL) counting 40 mg/dl. As a matter of fact if your bad cholesterol goes high and good cholesterol goes low than you have increased chances of getting heart problems. Maintaining a balanced diet with low fat levels and regular physical exercise can help you curb cholesterol symptoms

High BP- Increasing Blood Pressure or Hypertension is a remarkable identity of your ageing factor. With age high blood pressure is an inevitable factor in present times. High Blood pressure is measured by two numbers- top number (systolic reading) and the bottom number (diastolic reading). Normal readings are 120/80 and anything above it will be calculated as High Blood Pressure Syndrome while a reading lower than normal is counted as low blood pressure which generally happens due to fatigues and weakness. For every increase in blood pressure reading chances of death from cardiovascular diseases gets doubles. To avoid High BP you should work on your weight (if you are obese) and stress. A healthy body with stress free life gets you rid of High BP factor. Reduction of fat and salt in the diet, vegetarian food, fruits and juice helps you to avoid occurrence of High BP.

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